Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Baked Potato for Breakfast

This is so easy!!!!

Making breakfast is the most easiest thing to do. Sometimes, I do ask myself oh what to cook for breakfast. Oh i'm tired of eating yogurt, tahaning, or eggs. So I thought why not do something differently. This dish is very simple and easy to make. All you need few ingredients, such potato, salt, black pepper, and butter, vegetable oil, and paprika .

you need to add your potatoes to the pan and fill it up with water. you should leave it on stove for 20 minutes.

Once is boiled, remove the hot water and add room temperature water, and let it sets there for 10 minutes. This way you are able to peel off the potato's skin. Cut each potato in half. Add one tablespoon vegetable oil, 1/2 teaspoon butter, 2 teaspoon paprika, a pinch of salt and black pepper. BUT, this all depend how much potato you want to bake.

Is time to bake it, preheat your oven to 320F. Let each side to cook for 10 min.

You can eat just like this or spread butter on top. Eat it with tea.. Yayaya!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Homemade Pizza

Today is such a beautiful day, but it is very chilly outside. Autumn is almost here. Yaya. My motivation for writing about pizza has been high. I am not
sure of what and who altered me to do this. Indeed, everyone loves pizza. Who doesn’t? This is what I have made today. Making a pizza is very simple. A pizza garnished with onions, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, olives, mushrooms, and bell pepper. I like to do my pizza little bit contrarily than the originally I like to add jalapeno and basil.

This is one a quick recipe that merely involves mixing a few basic ingredients and patting the dough into the pan basil.
3 cups of all-purpose flour
1 (.25 ounce)package active dry yeast
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)

This was so good and yum..

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Naan - Flat Kurdish Bread

Naan - The Kurdish Flat Bread
On August 11, 2011, finally my mom baked Kurdish flat bread, aka Naan. Literally, it has been more than six months my sister asked for it. My mom has been baking this bread as long she could remember. The tools that were used are hand made by my father such as Teirok (rolling pin) and Missteqe.The sac( non-stick iron plate) and the mini table came from Kurdistan. Those two tools were giving to our family by our Kurdish neighborhood.

When I was doing research on this bread, several websites stated that this is a Turkish Bread. It is called Yufka. Although it has same procedures as Kurdish flat bread, this is not only considered as Turkish bread. Kurdish people have been making this bread for many and many years. It has long history behind it.

The recipe
  • 4 cups flour
  • 2 1/4 tsp of yeast
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/4 cup or less water

    Naan is merely made of flour, yeast, water, and salt. Naan is very thin, round, and unleavened shape.After kneading, the dough is rested for 45 min to an hour.

The dough is cut into pieces, rounded (but not squished) and the dough is rolled into a circular sheet on mini table.

The Naan is continuously turned over with the Mistqeek (long flat wood), and it is also moved around frequently to bake the edges ( or areas that need to be baked more). This whole process is done by 1 to 2 minutes for each Naan.

Once the bread is baked, then Naan is removed from the flat plate. It is placed in a basket. The bread became very dry and it broke into pieces easily. Hence, it must be handled gentle when removing the bread. We made two different kinds of Naan (wheat and white).
National Geographic picture
"A Kurdish village woman stands with her Yufka (flatbread). Living in a rural area about 20 minutes outside of Şanlıurfa in Eastern Turkey, the women make about a months supply of bread at a time. This will later be sprinkled with water and reheated before it is consumed." Ben Ward

The interesting part of this bread is not placed in refrigerator, but instead it is covered by
a fabric. When is time to eat it, the bread is sprinkled with water and covered by with cotton fabric. It will become a soft bread. You don't even have to warm it up.

Since I love cheese so much, I told my mom to add cheese and folded . This was my first time making Naan with my mom.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Please take quick quiz-and you’ll feed a child!

Indeed, this is poignant.

Somali is one of the poorest countries. For many generations, Somalia has been suffering of a failed state. Not a strong central government since 1991. Years of fighting between rival warlords and inability to deal with famine and disease have led to the death of up to one million of people.

I’m not going to get to the history of Somail. However, all of us are conscious of what is happening in Somaili.

Please Help Save Starving and Malnourished Children and their Families in Somalia and Kenya!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Greetings, welcome to my blog . I am RojGul. I came from South Kurdistan. I am a proud American-Kurd. I recently graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with BBA in Accounting. I love accounting and I guess you would say it’s my passion. Currently, I am pursuing an MBA at Georgia State University.

Sometimes I feel as if I was born with a :

Cooking sections: I will post pictures step-by step dishes I have taught myself to cook through the years. You will see a lot of garlic added to my dishes.

Photography section: No , I will never say I am professional at it. Photography is one of my hobbies. I love taking pictures. “A picture is worth a thousand words”

Home and Garden section: My parents love to garden. I will post their special and yet unique project.

I love drinking tea…I am obsessed with tea. Please help me to get rid of this addiction. NOT

What is your favorite brand?

I drink this type of tea. It is 100% natural product. It is one of the largest exporter of tea. It comes from Sri Lanka.

You would need tea pot

It is all depend on how dark you want your tea to be.

2 cups of water
2-3 tablespoon of Alwazah Tea

Once the tea is boiled. Let it sets there for 5 minutes.
pour the tea in a small cup and add sugar (depend how sweet you want).
If the tea is too dark, that means you boiled the tea way too much. It should be dark brown.

Enjoy it :)..

What is your favorite brand? I would love to drink the Chai you recommend.


For The Love Of Chiya
Waking up in the morning, first thing in my mind is to make tea. There has not been a day passed by that our family did not drink a cup of Chiya in the morning and at night. Chiya has a unique and delightful aroma. Drinking Chaiy has become a ritual.

Chiya has been a part of many countries tradition. Certainly, it has been part of my culture. Any Kurdish families you visit or Middle Eastern, they will be pleased to offer you a cup of tea with cookies.

I found myself digging more information on Tea(Chiya). I have came across several great sources on chia. What is so unique about Chia and where does Chia came from? Chiya is made of variety of leafs. Originally, Chiya was valued for its medicinal qualities. Furthermore, the art of Chia has been known to aids in digestion, which this why mainly people would prefer to consume Chiay after meal.

In addition, Chiya contains Catechins. It is a type of antioxidant. It is a freshly leaf and composed highest Catechins in white and green Chiay. Chiya contains theanine and the stimulant caffeine.

You would find types of Chiay
There are numerous types o f Chia. I will list only few. I highly recommend you to visit this this site provides valuable sources on variety of Teas and different brands.